Here are some links to my various project pages:

Homebrew Hex-Style Wire Beam - building a 5 band, 20-10m wire beam antenna

Pac-15 - the venerable Pac-12 antenna with a few more inches.

Trebuchet - swinging counterweight device for throwing objects. I'm still trying to figure out a connection to ham radio.

Kenwood TS-850 Information - a Y adapter cable for a Heil Proset-IC headset and PTT foot pedal with a simple circuit to power the electret microphone, changing the battery, 60m usage, CW keying via the ACC plug, replacing the carrier boards capacitors, and any other info I get.

Oak Hill Research 20/40 Transciever Project Radio - a project radio I picked up at a hamfest and have been (very) slowly bringing back to life. Still needs some work.

Rover with ATV Transmitter - beginnings of a remote controlled vehicle with TV transmitter

RadioShack CB Antenna Conversion to 2m - taking a RadioShack CB antenna and converting it for use on 2 meters.

A Homebrew Antenna used for RFI Direction Finding - my antenna used with a handheld on the aircraft band to locate noise sources.

QSL Card - did we make a contact, or you heard me on the air, and you want a QSL card? You can download one from here and print it out. You're end up with a card much, much faster (and more reliable) than if I print it out for you and email it. There are BMP and JPG versions.

You can contact me via email at my callsign (W6OT) at

Other building projects are available from this page.

Free counters provided by Andale.